Minggu, 27 Desember 2009

Cop Out Trailer

WOO!! At long last, the first trailer for the new movie from my hero, Kevin Smith! Ladies and gentlemen, here's Cop Out:

I've blogged about this several times before. The film was originally to be titled A Couple of Dicks, but because of the double entendre that is the word "dick," no major TV network would show ads before 9PM. So, the new title is Cop Out.

And let me remind you how this is special for us Kevin Smith afficianados. This is the first Kevin Smith film that Kevin Smith did not write himself. Smith himself has taken to calling it "not one of [his] films, but a film [he] was hired to direct." However, reading the fine print, I see that Smith is also the editor. (He's always edited his own films.)

The script was written by Mark and Robb Cullen. Their script for this film made several industry lists back in 2008 as "one of the best screenplays Hollywood hasn't produced yet." Smith himself said he was attracted to it because the dialogue was like "Randall and Dante if they were cops."

The plot follows our couple of dicks [in its usage as a slang term for detectives], Bruce Willis and Tracy Morgan, as they hunt down a stolen, ultra-rare baseball card, and along the way, stumble into all kinds of nefarious organized crime. As you see in the trailer, Sean William Scott is an informant they catch. Also not in the trailer is Kevin Smith film regular Jason Lee, playing the new beau of Willis's ex-wife.

February 26. I might have to take that day off from work so I can be first in line.

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