Minggu, 20 Desember 2009

Marvel Movie Updates

Hey! It's been such a busy couple of days for me that I haven't had a chance to share this yet. If you haven't seen it yet anywhere else on ye olde Internet, here's the trailer for Iron Man 2:

They really crack open the Marvel pantheon for this one. We've got Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury, Scarlett Johannson as the Black Widow, Sam Rockwell as Justin Hammer, Don Cheadle takes over as James Rhodes (who finally gets to don his own armor and become War Machine), oh, and, of course, Robert Downey Jr is back is Tony Stark. Can't forget Mickey Rourke as Whiplash.

Who's going to be there opening day this May? Who wants to come with me?

And, another big bit of Marvel comics movie news: Bryan Singer is returning to the X-Men franchise!

Singer, as you may recall, was the director (and helped out with the writing) on X-Men and X2. Then some crazy studio politics came to play, he got booted off the project and he went to do Superman Returns. Anyway, he announced last week that he signed on to direct the prequel tale X-Men: First Class. This has been in development for a while, now. Singer describes it thusly: "It takes place in the early years of the School for the Gifted, and shows how the friendship between Xavier and Magneto started becoming strained. Some mutants from the first films come back, some new ones are introduced, and there's a romance."

No word yet on when that might be hitting theatres. Singer is wrapping up production on his latest film, Jack the Giant Killer.

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